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This is a selection of hand crafted paper that I have made from wild native medicinal plants for water rituals. Those of you that follow my work for a while may remember seeing photos of plant fibers I was gathering for this purpose last year. This here is the result!


Each set contains

- wild Rose paper

- Woad paper

- Dandelion paper

- Daisy paper

- Bracken paper

- Yarrow paper

- French Marigold paper

- a set of ecoprinted notelets (see below)

- a Nettle paper pouch


Each collection of wild native medicinal plant paper comes with a set of ecoprinted cards, and both are wrapped in a heavily textured and durable hand crafted nettle paper pouch that is adorned with pink Yarrow and Mugwort, and ritually sealed with wax. These are hand crafted paper pages with raw edges.


There are many many ways that one can approach working with these, it depends on your personal prayer expression really so I am reluctant to spoon feed ritual suggestions. What I can do is share a little insight into one of the way I found myself working with them since I finished making them in April!


To explain my concept for this I will offer the following scenario:


Imagine feeling betrayed, hurt, wounded, and/or emotionally/physically abused by your mother. Note that all these aspects relate with womb/moon/water element/inherited trauma/fluid bodies and emotional wellbeing - all themes of Autumn/Water season.


Imagine now that you have chewed through this story and come out the other side, past the reactive emotional triggers and into a healthier and more balanced place of response. In this case, a ritual response, a ceremony in fluid communication - writing a letter of grace and forgiveness (to yourself and/or your mother) on a sheet of paper made from Wild Rose!
Oh the Rose, grace filled queen of the heart, teacher of forgiveness, thorn medicine, healthy boundaries, and the one who assists us to move stagnant and/or stuck energy in and around the heart so that hurt can heal.


Perhaps you're working on themes relating with supressed anger, are finding it challenging to access anger, or finding it difficult to get past the deep sense of betrayal - then the Dandelion flower paper is the colleague to work with for this fluid prayer.


Perhaps you have just finished journeying through the above processes, unravelled your birth story to the point of no-birth', and are ready to birth yourself completely new - then the Daisy blossom paper would be the plant fiber birth doula to witness your process.


This is just a few small examples on what I am talking about where ritual potential is concerned, it's always in the details.


I decided to make these botanical ecoprinted cards to go with the plant paper, for affirmations and/intention setting. They are adorned with a pressed Speedwell blossom. The set of both medicinal plant paper and cards is held in a beautifully textured nettle fiber pouch, ritually sealed with Selenite, Pink Yarrow, Mugwort, and a Dandelion paper label.

I have been working with the Rose and Dandelion (paper) mostly over the summer, and there are so many ways of incorporating these into rituals, in both profound and potent ways, beyond the traditional methods of journaling or writing. This is something I certainly plan on incorporating more into group work and personal healing. I look forward to exploring the journey and observing what unfolds with this set of ritual colleagues.

Just eight of these hand crafted wild native medicinal plant ritual paper sets will be offered as part of the Autumn Water collection.

Wild Native Medicinal Plant Paper Set

Tax Included
Only 5 left in stock


    Our Summer season shop opening takes place from
    9am on April 25th until 6pm on May 12th

     All times are UTC. Orders ship from May 19th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis.
    'Made to order' offerings ship from June 2nd onwards unless otherwise stated.

    dandelion final.png



    Seasonal Overview

    Season • Summer

    Element • Fire

    Direction • South

    Archetype • Parent Archetype (Father and Mother Archetype)


    Themes & Focus for this Collection

    The door to this season's heartfelt offerings opens on April's new moon and closes on May's full moon. This collection celebrates all things Summer/Fire Element and coincides with the fire festival of Bealtaine, the Celtic festival that marks the transition from Spring into Summer.

    Spring/Air Element references throughout this ephemeral collection include;

    The Element of Fire, the Parent (Father & Mother) Archetype, the Inner Child, Foods of the Fae, Radiance & Light, Wild Colour, Creative Expression, Longings & Desire, Passion & Sensuality, Natural Beauty, Wildflowers & Edible Blossoms, Nostalgic Soulfoods & Wild Feasts, Digestive Health, the Nervous System & Burnout, Firewalking, Transformation & Metamorphosis, Chakras of the Solar Plexus and Third Eye, the Violet Flame, ‘High Physical Body’ (Chartreuse Ray, Lymphatic System & Essential Life Force), Pattern Recognition, Insights, Vision, & the Eyes, and of course, Fire Rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

    Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about this collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these handcrafted ephemeral offerings, sign up for our newsletter. Newsletters are sent just once a season.

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