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This season features a colourful capsule collection of Wildflower & Golden Rutile Quartz Ritual Rattles.


In therapeutic sound, rattles are Fire element instruments. In plant anatomy, flowers represent the Fire element aspect of the plant. Colour, sight, vision, light are all Fire. Golden Rutile Quartz is a Fire element crystal and relates with the Sun, Solar Plexus and Golden Ray. There are layers upon layer of Fire references here with this colourful capsule collection!


The five rattles in this Wildflower collection are botanically dyed with flowers in hues relating with the therapeutic colours and identities of the fire element/sun in five very specific centres of the body. 


Four of these colours directly relate to the elements/directions of fire represented through this season’s colour palette, the fifth represents the Violet Flame. Just one of each is available!


Violet/Crown Chakra • universal identity (banes include attachment)

Deep Blue/Third Eye Chakra • archetypal identity (banes include illusion)

Sky Blue/Throat Chakra • creative identity (banes include lies)

Golden Yellow/Solar Plexus Chakra • ego identity (banes include shame)

Burnt Orange/Sacral Chakra • emotional identity (banes include guilt)



Rattles are ceremonial tools that resonate primarily with the fire element, their sound resembling the hissing of a snake. As a tool, they are used to purify, cleanse and transform (an individual, group energy, or place) and are also wonderful to use to energize or invigorate if a person is feeling sluggish or a space is stagnant. This is their transformative work as traditional healing tools. What resonates with you, how you choose to uniquely work with these ritual tools, your experience, and the direction this takes is entirely up to you. It is your intimate expression of prayer and reflects your unique ceremonial intention.

Wildflower & Golden Rutile Quartz Ritual Rattles

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  • The rattle head is Reindeer rawhide botanically dyed with wild native blossoms.

    Those who are familiar with my ritual rattles already know that I purposefully ensure the holes in the seams of the rattleheads leave enough space for the wildflower seeds and any other small medicines to be shared into the space you are using the rattle in - in practical terms this means that while using your rattle outside as a personal healing colleague, the very use of the rattle and the motion of shaking it means you disperse the wildflower seeds into your surroundings. My hope here is that the seeds take root and grow, so that the pollinators can be gifted food and contribute to the recovery of the ecosystem. As such, as much as the rattles I make are personal healing tools, they also support the land. As within, so throughout, in every way. Always.

    The rattle heads are finished with a conditioning layer of my beautifully fragrant 13 Moon Wild Rose ritual anointing oil. For those who feel drawn, the 13 Moon Wild Rose ritual anointing oil is also available to purchase in our store.


Our Autumn season shop opening takes place from
9am on July 21st until 6pm on August 9th

 All times are Irish time. Orders ship from August 19th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis. 'Made to order' offerings ship from August 26th onwards.

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Season • Autumn

Element • Water

Direction • West

Archetype • Enchanter/Enchantress Archetype

Themes & Focus for this Collection

This collection celebrates all things Autumn/Water Element and coincides with the fire festival of Lúnasa, the ancient Celtic festival that marks the transition from Summer into Autumn.

Autumn/Water references throughout this ephemeral collection include;


The Element of Water, the Moon, the Sacral Chakra (also in conjunction with it's pairing with the Third Eye), the chakras of the Knees and Elbows, Emotional WellBEing, the Urinary System and Fluid Body, Womb Health, Flexibility, Flow, Release, Intuition, Shadow Consciousness, Reclaiming Equilibrium, Abundance, and of course, Water Rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about our collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these ephemeral offerings, sign up for our newsletter. Newsletters are sent just once a season.

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