This listing is for one personal Spiritweaver, by The heART of Ritual.
A Spiritweaver is a ceremonial colleague for personal ritual, a companion for the pilgrim, and a sacred bundle of medicines, all in one. There are two ways that Spiritweavers can be brought through:
• Creating to your own specifications:
When you order your personal Spiritweaver, I will get in contact to arrange a consultation so that the perfect Spiritweaver can be created to suit your needs. If you have specific wishes for function, ritual purpose, themes, energetic aspects, spirit allies etc that you would like honored, then please let me know and I will do my best to create according to your own wishes and needs. If you have certain (small) items that you wish to include in the medicine bundle (inside its belly), then it is possible to post them to me for inclusion. If you have small items that you might like to incorporate as adornments on the Spiritweaver, then I will do my best to do so too. If you are sending me items to include within or to adorn the Spiritweaver, then please note that I can only begin after those contents have arrived here. I only work with raw natural fibers and wild botanical colours, and if your request means I need to create new botanical colours to dye the fibers of the Spiritweaver, then extra time needs to be allocated for the colour making, botanical dye and wool prep. Either way, once I receive the specifics from you it will be possible for me to give a time estimate on my side.
• Your Spiritweaver birthing itSelf into BEing:
In this case, I will honor what wants to comes through for you and ceremonially birth it as and when it calls. Birthing a Spiritweaver is a process that can either reveal itself all at once (in which case it is a matter of my hands birthing it according to the information I receive) - OR - it can come through in stages, in which case I have no control over how fast or slow that takes (this is usually due to there needing to be time for ceremony/ritual in between stages). The main thing here is that we both understand this process and gift it the time it needs. For clarity, I am not able to tell you *when* you will receive it and pretty much everything is 'invisible' until the information comes through. I cannot say in advance what medicines will be inside, what fibers will be used, colours (all botanical colours), what symbols/animals/motifs/plants etc might come through, if there are symbols between layers, what sort of adornment's all a case of wait and see. Similarily, I cannot say in advance which tree/plant/animal spirit/element will guide the birthing process until they come forward and the process begins. The birthing process, and its guides, come through naturally, and in their own time. My role is to facilitate the birthing space, plant the ceremonial seed, wait, and listen. Then I do. Whatever comes through is 'documented' and you will receive that information. You may also receive recordings during the process if there are insights into specific areas that need to be shared.
Please note each intuited Spiritweaver comes through as and when it does, I have no control over that. Some may come through quickly, the process beginning on a full moon and ending the following full moon, others have needed a certain amount of rituals done over specific dates and astronomical alignments before their birthing was completed, some needed a season (three lunar cycles within a specific element), or several (so that the full medicine wheel of the year, all directions, elements, archetypes and seasons were contained therein). Usually if they take longer, it is an indication that not only certain astrological alignments, dates, phases and elements needed to be integrated, but that the process itself and the prayer space tended to as a vital part of the process serves to accompany a personal process the recipient is going through (note that I do not ask for personal details before bringing through a SPIRITWEAVER as I do not want to risk outside influence, so this parallel prayer space being held is something that is only first revealed upon speaking with recipients after they have received their SPIRITWEAVER). There really is no way to estimate how long or detailed the overall birthing process will be beforehand, but I can assure you it is done thoroughly, authentically, mindfully, and with reverence and you receive your SPIRITWEAVER exactly when you are meant to.
If you would like to call home your own personal healing colleague, lets speak and see what Spiritweaver comes forward for you!
Just four Spiritweavers commissions are offered each year. This listing is for one.
For clarity, even though I accept four commissions each year, this does not necessarily mean you will receive your SPIRITWEAVER in the same year. When you commission yours, you are agreeing to these terms and giving full space to this process.
Please note that I invite a fixed exchange for birthing through Spiritweavers, and this is irrelevant of how ornate they may end up, the time that they need, amount of ceremony/ritual, the detail, or any additional items that need to be made together with it (it is a fixed price no matter what).
Spiritweaver (Custom Made Personal Medicine Doll)
The Spiritweaver you see in this listing is Grandfather North. I share him as a visual example of the Spiritweavers I bring through as he is a one of the protectors of our group space here in the Alps and one I am happy to share publicly. I chose not share images of Spiritweavers that were brought through for others as I don't feel it is my place to do so when Spiritweavers are such personal prayer companions, and also, they are very specific to the human that will be working with them. Hence I will share with you a little about Grandfather North.
Grandfather North lives here in our Sanctuary space, and together with Grandmother North, they are the Spiritweavers that represent both the ancestors and the earth element, and the direction of North in our medicine wheel. They represent the bones. Grandfather North came though one beautiful day down next to the waterfall and oversaw the birthing of the Grandmother thereafter. It was an incredible process and deeply touching to see that the male came through first so that he and I could witness the females birthing process together. Within his belly he carries a medicine bundle of my personal earth treasures, on his arm a Turkeytail shield and in his hand, a lichen covered Hawthorn staff adorned with natural treasures. It's what he wanted. While Grandmother North wears a Woodpecker feather, Split Gill mushroom and Herkimer Diamond crown, Grandfather North wears crystallized Maple seed 'antennas' on his forehead, to enhance his all seeing connection with the ethers. In his hair he wears a feather from a barn owl, one of my most beloved wise old bird colleagues. His body is a spiral of wild wool from top to toe, representing the healing aspects of storm medicine and the cycle of life and death. Dark and light, receiving and letting go, perpetual motion.
The wool that forms these needle felted Spiritweavers is gathered by hand along the hedgerows and from the brambles of west Cork in Ireland in the lead in to Samhain. Samhain is one of the eight festivals in the Celtic Wheel of the Year and marks the dying away of the old year and the birth of the new year (the Celtic year begins in November). As such, Samhain is a powerful energy to work with in the releasing of old patterns, programs, conditioning etc, rituals relating with grief, and birthing yourSelf anew.
The raw wool is washed and carded by hand, and then botanically dyed as required. Grandfather North's body has seven layers of colours and symbols beneath what you see here. His outer layer was dyed with fungi, and naturally fallen materials from the Celtic trees that relate with strength, resilience, and release, the festivals of Samhain and Winter Solstice, and the Earth Element/North. His Turkeytail shield is a further reference to the Earth Element, North, family, and interBEing, and I find it interesting that Hawthorn came forward for his staff - this tree relates with the festival of Bealtaine, the festival that celebrates divine union (harmony/balance), life force, fertility and potential, so in this case, his staff is a ritual tool for manifesting in all ways. Bealtaine is also the (masculine) polar opposite of (feminine) Samhain in the Celtic Wheel of the year. This, in addition to the 'thorn medicine' reference of the thorns on the Hawthorn tree (a nod to earth element/north/root chakra and the need for healthy boundaries) brings the light masculine aspect in the wheel of the year to balance the dark feminine aspect and makes this one Spiritweaver a very harmonious colleague in his own right. The masculine and feminine aspects in balance within the whole of the masculine. It is the same with Grandmother North, she too is very harmonious with masculine and feminine aspects within her whole feminine BEing. Exactly what was needed for a place that holds space for group and individual healing, and proving the potency and beauty in listening and allowing these Spiritweavers to birth themSelves into BEing.