This sharing relates with nature related ceremony and a thoughtful, green offering for our feathered friends during the cold win.
The beauty of these seed feeders is that they are completely natural and biodegradable, so once the birds are finished feeding, the materials will decompose, and return to nature. We like to hang these on the trees along our walking routes and make them anytime we have oranges over the winter months...
Here's how we did it:

- halve an (organic) orange and cut out the flesh (for juicing etc). Scoop out as much of the flesh and juice remaining inside the rind so that they dry easier

- place in a medium oven facing upwards for about eight minutes so that they can dry out. Place the coconut oil jar in the oven with them so that it melts. Again, please use organic coconut oil if possible! Those who prefer to work with a more local and sustainable fat might like to consider sourcing lard from their village butcher.

- remove the orange 'bowls' from the oven, cool slightly, and while still warm poke four equidistant holes in the rind about 1cm from the edge (four holes for stability). It is easier to work with the peel when it is still warm as it is more pliable

- using natural string, string up each of these holes and tie a knot at the top of all four strings. We use hemp, linen, wool, even cordage made from plant fibers, all of which will biodegrade over time

- spoon the bird seed into the orange rind 'bowls' and carefully pour the liquid fat/oil over it so that the seeds are covered

- place the feeders in the fridge to cool so that the coconut oil solidifies, holding the seeds in place. If you're like us and experience cold winter weather, you can simply put them outside of the door in the big 'outdoor fridge' called nature!

- remove from the fridge and using a longer piece of string, tie this to the top knot. This is the string that you will hang from the branches and can be any length you need it to be. We added a little left over solid coconut oil on top as a treat before hanging them in the trees

This is SO super easy, the birds absolutely adore them and it is so lovely to give back to nature, particularly the birdies who gift us with such beautiful song and chit chat everyday...