The Feast Day of Brigid (Lá Fhéile Bhríde) and the ancient Irish festival of Imbolc
The Hazel Tree in Irish Magic, Witchcraft and Folklore
The Amadán - The Most Dangerous Fairy of All?
The Sheela na Gig - An Ancient Fertility Goddess?
St Brigid: Dove Among Birds, Vine Among Trees, Sun Among Stars
Brigid: The Pagan Goddess(es) of Ireland?
The Goddesses of January
The Deer Mother: Earth's Nurturing Epicenter of Life and Death
Mothers Night: The Ancient Pagan Origins of Santa?
The Time of the Cailleach
Blúiríní Béaloidis 33 - Death
Seasonal Poetry & Prose: 'Winter Crone', by Audrey Haney
Dreaming the Dark: 'Sedna', the Siren and the Selkie (Part 4)
Dreaming the Dark: Baba Yaga, Pombagira, Santa Muerte, and Kali (Part 3)
Dreaming the Dark: Lilith, The 'Banshee' (Part 2)
Dreaming The Dark: Illuminating The Corruption And Destruction of 'Lilith' (Part 1)