
On the Path of Wholeness
I've been working alot with Hawthorn lately, the Celtic tree of Bealtaine. This old photo is of a West Cork Hawthorn, recorded just...

Fireside Chat: Words On Pain & Vulnerability
Insights into physical, psychological, and emotional processing, and the art of letting go.

Fireside Chat: Befriending The Inner Child (Audio)
An exploration of our own creation myth, self healing abilities, creative expression, and the solar plexus

Fireside Chat: The HeART Of Initiation In An Age Of Amnesia (Audio)
Initiatory journey and rites of passage of 'modern living', how we each can rediscover, remember, and nurture (y)our wild story..

Fireside Chat: The Body Is Your Only Home
Contemplations on roots, the earth element, and BEing bodies of clay.

Fireside Chat: On Boundary Perspectives
On healthy boundaries, protection, connecting with Self, and the poignant teachings we can receive from thorns.