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This listing is for one Yew & Fly Agaric Ritual Rattle from The heART of Ritual.

The intention, energy and elements of these ritual rattles is very specific, and alot has gone into bringing them through so please be sure to read the below information in full before calling one home to you. Thank you!

Rattles are ceremonial tools that resonate primarily with the fire element, their sound resembling the hissing of a snake. As a tool, they are used to purify, cleanse and transform (an individual, group energy, or place) and are also wonderful to use to energize or invigorate if a person is feeling sluggish or a space is stagnant. This is their transformative work as traditional healing tools. What resonates with you, how you choose to uniquely work with these ritual tools, your experience, and the direction this takes is entirely up to you. It is your intimate expression of prayer and reflects your unique ceremonial intention.

Rather than begin by focusing on the adornment of the rattles, I want to bring attention to the medicines within - what is being carried beneath the surface, in the depths. For this reason, I made a photograph offering insights on what is included in each so that you can really see what is normally out of sight, carried within the bellies of each of these ritual rattles. This is the second picture on this listing.

As you can see, there is an incredible selection of medicines within each one. These insights reveal details of an important aspect of the birthing process of these potent ritual tools - the gathering of medicines. No aspect of anything I create is without intention, everything is steeped in meaning. Those of you that are into details, have knowledge of ritual elements, and wild native medicines will certainly appreciate this selection of medicines included and the intentions with them.

Each rattlehead lovingly holds within, local native medicines representing all five elements:

Air - seeds of alpine wildflowers and native medicinal herbs
Fire - dried alpine wildflowers
Water - dried fruits of juniper, hawthorn*, rose (rose canina), belladonna, fly agaric**
Earth - dried roots of angelica, mugwort, calamus, mandrake, elecampane
Spirit - represented by crystal, in this case, almandine garnets that I gathered from a glacial stream in the high Alps

*Hawthorn was added not just because of its thorn medicine reference (as per rose), but because it is the tree of Bealtaine, the festival that is essentially a polar opposite of Samhain in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Bealtaine is the festival that in short, marks our transition into the light and including both light and dark aspects, I am consciously choosing to present the whole in a harmonious and balanced way.

**Inclusion of Fly Agaric is reference to interBEing and connectivity (mycelium are the largest organisms on this planet!) and also the native folklore (and connection) between the Fly Agaric, the Winter Solstice, and journeying.

Yew & Fly Agaric Ritual Rattle (with Red Ochre & Glacial Garnets)

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Only 5 left in stock
  • The rattle head is lovingly crafted from upcycled raw reindeer hide. Reindeer medicine being one of my most revered to work with of all northerly medicines (earth element), for it speaks (with me) of the magical and mystical realms, ancestral connection, and guides me like Polaris on my soul path. Reindeer is also one of three beloved animal colleagues (aka 'spirit animals') that have accompanied me since birth. Each rattle head is imprinted with the berries of the Yew tree, that is to say, I botanically eco-printed each piece of rawhide with the red fruits of the Yew. These rattles are completely natural, unique, and far more beautiful in person. The rattle heads were sewn together with cordage I made from nettle fibers.

    The rattle heads are finished with a conditioning layer of my beautifully fragrant 13 Moon Wild Rose ritual anointing oil. For those who feel drawn, the 13 Moon Wild Rose ritual anointing oil is also available to purchase in our store.


Our Spring season shop opening takes place from
9am on January 29th until 6pm on February 14th

 All times are Irish time. Orders ship from February 17th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis.
'Made to order' offerings ship from March 3rd onwards unless otherwise stated.

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Tabernacles, Thresholds, Thought Forms, and Time: Weaving with Wind

Seasonal Overview

Season • Spring

Element • Air

Direction • East

Archetype • Virgin/Youth Archetype


Themes & Focus for this Collection

This seasonal shop opening focuses on all things Spring/Air Element and coincides with the festival of Imbolc, the Celtic festival that marks the transition from Winter into Spring. This ancient festival celebrates the earth awakening, the serpent and dragon lines, seeding new beginnings/change, and is a time that is heavily pregnant with potential.

Spring/Air Element references throughout this ephemeral collection include;

The Element of Air, the Virgin/Youth Archetype, Brigid, Holy Wells & Sacred Fire, Ritual Purification, New Beginnings & the Winds of Change, Communication, Sound, & the Chakras of the Throat/Ears, Inner Tranquility & the ‘High Mind’, Vibrational Awareness (Chakras, Auric Layers, & Crystals), Heartspace & 'High Heart Harmony', Womb Cycles, Physical and Energetic WellBEing, the Respiratory System & the Breath of Life, the 'High Physical Body', Chartreuse Ray & Essential Life Force, Cleansing, Cleaning & Detoxing the Physical Body/Mental Body/Home, Dreamwork & Inspiration, Weaving ourSelves into BEing, Mark Making, Journaling & Wordsmithing, Plant Filaments, Fibers & Weaving Sacred Space, Sanctuary Places & Healthy Boundaries, Nesting & Seeding, Conscious Preparation for the Growing Year, and of course, rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about our collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these handcrafted ephemeral offerings, sign up for our newsletter. Newsletters are sent just once a season.

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