This listing is for a 30 day supply of our 'Green Zinger' Superfood capsules, from The heART of Ritual.
This nutritionally dense superfood blend is rich in immune boosting and remineralizing ingredients that supports general health. Also included are wild native herbs that supports your cleansing organs do what they do best!
These capsules are packed with mineral rich sea vegetables hand foraged along the coast in Ireland, nutrient dense native medicinal mushrooms, and cleansing wild antioxidant herbs, berries, and seeds from the mountains around our nest.
As with all offerings, every single ingredient has been hand gathered, dried and prepared by me personally, ensuring sustainable, biodynamic and ceremonious harvesting, highest quality ingredients, and energetic integrity from start to finish. This powder is called ‘33 Green Zinger’ as there are 33 potent healing ingredients in this antioxidant superfood blend. Why 'Green Zinger'?, because it will have you positively levitating, that's why. It's brimming with essential life force!
These capsules are filled to order, meaning that you receive the freshest most nutritionally dense wild superfood possible. This superfood blend is made fresh three times a year, and all botanicals are air dried naturally (I do not use or own a dehydrator). This blend is raw food quality, and while organic certification doesn't stretch to wild ingredients, our products are as clean and green as you are likely to get.
All of our products are pure, and as such there are no bulkers, fillers, artifical ingredients and/or preservatives.
For those who prefer to add superfoods to smoothies/juices - this blend is listed as a powder in the APOTHECARY section of our store.
'33 Green Zinger' Wild Superfood Capsules (100% Vegan & Raw)
Please note that all of our capsules are packaged in plastic free biodegradable pouches which are manufactured and sourced in Germany.
With the exception of our pipette and spray attachments on apothecary bottles, ALL of our products use plastic free packaging, and are zero waste, reusable, recycable and/or biodegradeable. We purchase from EU suppliers only. Our labels are printed locally on post consumer materials using non toxic inks.
I gather all ingredients sustainably, biodynamically, and personally, and create all blends/formulas myself year round. Everything is small batch and it's availability depends on the weather and how abundant each ingredient is per season. As an example, if it is a wet June, then it's very unlikely that I will have any rose products for the entire year ahead! As such, the weather and plants themselves are my boss and they dictate all, always.
I live and work in a house that runs on solar and hydro electricity with mineral rich live spring water that comes directly from the mountain we live upon.
Orders are delivered plastic free too as I only use natural packing materials in the boxes. To cut down on the carbon footprint and fuel consumption of our travel to and from the shipping depot, we only ship once a fortnight.