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This listing is for one complete WILD EARTH MEDICINE WHEEL Ritual Body Colours set, from The heART of Ritual.


Each set includes eight wild earth, plant, and crystal ritual body colours, and a beautiful hand crafted burr Elm wooden display stand. Eight ritual body colours feature in this set, one for each of the festivals in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. As you can see from the images, these eggs are a very generous size and each set contains an average of 400g of hand gathered, processed and crafted ritual colour! This set is ideal for group work, professional therapeutic work, and individual healing journeys.



This collection came about during a very intensive process which, in short, can only really described as a symbolic journey of death and being 'unborn' so that I could release the past, heal, rewrite my creation/birth story, and begin with a clean slate. When the time came, I began reweaving the medicine wheel into my BEing in every way possible. This new beginning required that I reimagine everything from the ground up, and so I began to create new medicines and ritual tools.


Inspired by nesting birds in Spring and the sacred symbolism of the cosmic egg, I began creating this collection of ritual body colours to prepare myself to hatch/emerge out of my own egg, allow myself to be nourished and thrive, and have the courage to fledge. These wild ritual colour colleagues have been there to witness, soothe, console, heal, nourish, listen, protect, connect, and offer strength, trust, hope, and clarity along the way.


These are all created out of wild, hand gathered, local ochres, minerals, and earths, and the blue is from woad grown in the little garden we lovingly tend. Ochres and Woad are traditional ritual colours held sacred to the Celts for ceremony and healing, and feature in the rites of passage, initiations, rituals and ceremonies of many indigenous cultures around the world. You will find more info on this below.


I created each colour to represent a specific direction, element, season, and archetype in our indigenous medicine wheel, the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Added to this were a selection of hand gathered stone ground fine crystal and mineral powders specific to each, as well as plant pigments, floral waters, and essences of crystals, trees, flowers and fungi. This clutch of ritual colour eggs has taken hundreds of hours to bring through to this point, and it's creation accompanied and ran parallel with my own journey every step of the way. Each ritual colour is made by hand start to finish, and ritually blessed with my 'Cleanse & Protect' sacred space myst.



Anyone that follows what I do knows that I am a lover of detail and functional art, so on a practical level I came up with the idea of embossing each egg around the center so that they can be easily and securely held by your fingertips. Taking it a step further, I wanted this 'grip' feature to look organic and took inspiration from the incredible (naturally water eroded) textured black basalt stones that I often find along the shores of the bay. I have to say that I really, really, adore these, they turned out exactly how I wanted to in every single way - colour wise they are incredible, energetically they are potent, on a practical level they apply easily and are held securely, and aesthetically...I find them to be most beautiful and so a display stand had to be made so that I can gaze upon them too in my sacred space.


As a slight side note I want to add that on a therapeutic level the gentle shape of these eggs lends them beautifully as tools for accupressure and reflexology. Similarly, these can also be fully integrated into professional colour therapy or crystal healing treatments, chakra healing, and all forms of energy work. The possibilities are endless really.


While created for a specific purpose, you can easily adjust this to align with your own tradition, spiritual practice, unique prayer expression, and/or therapeutic and creative use. Seeing as this collection came through the process of weaving myself back into the north, I am sharing some additional creation insights with the two Northern colours so you can get a deeper idea as to how they came about.


East/Air Element/Spring/Virgin Archetype: 

Blue Woad with finely ground Austrian Azurite and Malachite

Purple High Alps Slate with finely ground hand gathered Austrian Lepidolite


South/Fire Element/Summer/Parent Archetype:

Yellow Irish Ochre with finely ground Alpine Pyrite

White Alpine Clay with finely ground Austrian Muscovite


West/Water Element/Autumn/Enchanter or Enchantress Archetype:

Orange Irish Ochre with finely ground Austrian Garnet

Dark Red Irish Ochre with finely ground Austrian Selenite and Calcite


North/Earth Element/Winter/Elder Archetype:

Dark Brown Irish Ochre & finely ground Austrian Biotite & Smoky Quartz

Dark brown iron rich ochre from the north shore of Bantry Bay (Ireland), combined with crystal essences for the chakras of the knees and elbows to assist with flexibility and adaptability (getting up again when we fall over on the path, or getting back on the saddle). Finely ground biotite powder is included in this ritual body colour to enhance and amplify it's therapeutic effect.


Black Irish Slate, charred Mugwort and Willow, finely ground Alpine Hematite

Black finely ground shale from the south shore of Bantry Bay (Ireland), charred Mugwort and Willow, and crystal essences for the chakras of the feet and hands, and earth star chakra, to deeply ground and connect, assist with grief processing, release work, enhance protection and healthy boundaries, and ultimately, embody the dark moon/winter/cailleach aspect of stillness and hibernation, within. Finely ground hematite is included in this ritual body colour to enhance and amplify it's therapeutic effect.



Each cosmic egg is individually wrapped to prevent colour transfer and comes with a stunning burr Elm wood display stand. Each set comes in a bed of wild Mugwort which was gathered on the full moon solar eclipse - this serves to protect your collection while it is winging its way to you and is to be used as a smoke offering to cleanse your space and connect you with these ritual colour wands on arrival.

WILD EARTH MEDICINE WHEEL Ritual Body Colour for New Beginnings

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Only 3 left in stock
  • There are many ways to integrate ritual colour wand into ceremony and ritual. A solo initiation or group experience, painting skin or drawing a prayer mandala/medicine wheel on the land, working with them as a mindfulness exercise (through journaling, creating sacred art, visual meditation mandalas, finger labyrinths, even working with the wands as tools of contemplation). As a self healing tool and facilitation tool, their applications are infinite - they can be used to apply accupressure, crystal healing and colour therapy therapeutically, they can be used as an empowerment tool to adorn the womb area of your belly during menstruation, to bless pregnant bellies with mandala art, to energize and harmonize chakras, to stimulate body systems, to calm the mind, to draw healing and protective sigils on the skin, enhance group cohesion and dynamics (if used to ritually adorn each member of a gathering), and so much more. These are just a few examples to stimulate your own ideas, but the idea here is for you to cultivate your own relationship with them and creatively embody your own unique prayer expression. My personal experience has been that the more I integrate them and work with them, the more I discover additional ways of working with them - the journey with them is like stepping stones on an ever evolving path.

    EARTH PRAYERS meets you where you are in exactly that moment, every time. Whether its self healing through ritual body adornment, or seeding wild prayer on the land, the adventure is as unique as you are. You are invited to work with them intuitively and make them your own. Please note that these are fully functioning wands and should be considered (and used) so. If you purchase a set for your personal use, then please ensure you are the only person to work with them and touch them. I personally have a set programmed for 'public use' (group facilitation) and clinic, and a set programmed for my own use - as with all personal healing tools, my own set is kept with my ritual tools and not touched/viewed by others. I'm mentioning this as it is something that too few people are mindful/aware of these days - energetic integrity, responsibility, and maintaining healthy boundaries.


Our Summer season shop opening takes place from
9am on April 25th until 6pm on May 12th

 All times are UTC. Orders ship from May 19th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis.
'Made to order' offerings ship from June 2nd onwards unless otherwise stated.

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Seasonal Overview

Season • Summer

Element • Fire

Direction • South

Archetype • Parent Archetype (Father and Mother Archetype)


Themes & Focus for this Collection

The door to this season's heartfelt offerings opens on April's new moon and closes on May's full moon. This collection celebrates all things Summer/Fire Element and coincides with the fire festival of Bealtaine, the Celtic festival that marks the transition from Spring into Summer.

Spring/Air Element references throughout this ephemeral collection include;

The Element of Fire, the Parent (Father & Mother) Archetype, the Inner Child, Foods of the Fae, Radiance & Light, Wild Colour, Creative Expression, Longings & Desire, Passion & Sensuality, Natural Beauty, Wildflowers & Edible Blossoms, Nostalgic Soulfoods & Wild Feasts, Digestive Health, the Nervous System & Burnout, Firewalking, Transformation & Metamorphosis, Chakras of the Solar Plexus and Third Eye, the Violet Flame, ‘High Physical Body’ (Chartreuse Ray, Lymphatic System & Essential Life Force), Pattern Recognition, Insights, Vision, & the Eyes, and of course, Fire Rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about this collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these handcrafted ephemeral offerings, sign up for our newsletter. Newsletters are sent just once a season.

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