This listing is for one of the below SKINFOOD offerings from The heART of Ritual.
• Suitable for all skin types
This cream deodorant is the very first natural skin care product I developed, and I have been making it for over thirty years. This is made as a unisex deodorant, the intention being that the whole household can use it instead of having multiple products and therefore save on money, waste and bathroom storage! I called this unisex blend 'Deep Forest' as it carries the deliciously earthy fragrances of both rosemary and cedar.
As someone with cancer in the maternal half of the family, self checks and breast care became very important to me at a young age and this is what led me to making my own deodorant (and body products in general). I needed to ensure they were 100% natural and free of all the nasty toxic ingredients that commercial deodrant contains.
Deodrant cream is applied to the armpit by your finger tips, and in doing so, you automatically do daily self checks of the lymph nodes near the breast and get more familiar with that area of your body. Just a small amount is needed for great coverage. Note that one tin of this lasts me 12-14 months, and I use it once a day.
A practical and hopefully helpful side note to say that my partner has been using this deodrant with me the past few years now, which has been a great test for its functionabilty where very active people are concerned. He does 2-3hrs of sports daily, during the snow season he also ski-tours up to six hours a time, during the non snow season, he does mountain biking, and road cycling (normally 150km-190kms each time) - all of which are physically demanding high cardio sports. This deo works perfectly for him, in all situations, and I'm delighted that he has now stopped using the shop bought stuff he has been using for years (which was not ideal for me as I have an extreme sensitivity to chemicals). Win win situation!
There is also a lymph balm (to promote lymph drainage) and a rose breast balm available for purchase in this store if you feel drawn.
All SKINFOOD offerings are made from sustainably harvested local native plants, flowers, resins, our medicinal plant tinctures, extracts, our tree, flower, mushroom and crystal essences and much more.
Our highly fragrant luxury SKINFOOD has been charged with crystals using both direct and indirect methods over thirteen moon cycles, and each one comes complete with our wild botanical Celtic Wheel of the Year mandala art. These are 100% wildcrafted, cruelty free, and ethical conscious living body products. These soak right into your skin and do not leave an oily residue! ;-)
Please keep refridgerated between uses.
Deep Forest Unisex Deodorant Cream
Please note that our products are not a substitute for any medical treatment or advice you may currently be receiving. The information presented is intended for informational, research, and energetic purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. Persons with health related issues should consult a medical professional for assistance.
Topical ritual products are not intended for consumption and as with all natural products, a skin 'patch test’ is recommended beforehand to see if you have any unique sensitivities. Discontinue use if a rash occurs. Our topical ritual products should not be applied to broken skin, sensitive skin, or mucus membranes. Please ensure you wash your hands thoroughly after applying to the skin.
This listing is for one portion of the aforementioned product only and does not include any other decorative items photographed. These photographs are for illustrative purposes only.
All titles, concept, description, text, and images © 2020 Niamh Criostail, Stone Mad & The heART of Ritual. All rights reserved.
#theheARTofritual #stonemad #LOVE