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This listing is for Eclipse Foot Salt Soak from The heART of Ritual.


This foot bath blend was created for a very specific purpose - to detoxify/cleanse and purify, to enhance deep grounding and connection, to assist/support with release rituals.


Working with the feet as a way to cleanse and detoxify the mind, body and spirit is an age old practice. This became mainstream folk medicine practice in the middle ages where it was popular to apply wet clay to the feet and wrap them in leaves of lettuce in order to draw out toxins, or mix mustard or horseradish into a paste which was applied to the feet for the same affect.


Those familiar with energetic anatomy will know that the meridians/nadis/energy pathways of the body exit the body through the feet. I personally find doing this for of cleanse/detox as a foot bath is a very powerful experience from start to finish as one can not alone program the water and crystal powders to assist with the detox process, but also draw on the properties of the salt for protection and purification, and consciously work with all five elements that are present through the ingredients in this blend.


The ability to release stagnant energy (as a result of undesired experiences, fears, traumas etc) very much requires fully functioning lower chakras, and a free flowing connection in between. In this case, that is to say, the free flow of energy to and from the root chakra, chakras of the knees, feet - the lower (personal) chakras, and the meridians that connect them in between. If the free flow of energy is not possible, then it is not possible to fully release (or receive) and we become energetically stagnant. Overtime this can manifest dis-ease.


The last (physical) point of contact in this release process (before it leaves our physical body and is released into the earth) is the chakras on the soles of the feet. This salt soak was created to assist the cleanse/detox/release process by also supporting the connection between the physical body, energetic body and earth body so that release can take place on a mind, body and spirit level. Wild medicinal herbs and fine crystal powders have been included to enhance a stable connection with the earth, to deeply ground, protect, and release...while simultaneously receiving the deep care and nourishment that we may need. It is a two way process and the chakras of the feet both release and receive.


This blend is called 'Eclipse' as it was created the night of the winter lunar eclipse, the only time this could have been made really as it speaks of assisting us to go deep and release the 'skeletons in our closet' liberate ourselves from the fear, trauma, patterns, programs etc that we may have lurking in the depths of being. Black lava earth that I gathered in Iceland and silver sheen obsidian crystal powder are two of the main ingredients - both the volcanic earth and obsidian (a volcanic crystal) reference the darkness and inner worlds as well as giving a literal nod to the therapeutic colour of black, which is the feminine aspect of the whole. Our roots, which for us humans is represented by our feet.


To use: add one tablespoon of the salt soak blend to your foot bath container, and relax.

This blend comes to you filled in a gorgeous locally made recycled glass apothecary bottle with cork stopper. This listing is for one bottle, as pictured. Each bottle comes to you sealed with local beeswax, adorned with seasonal wildflowers and/or herbs, and finished with our botqnical wheel of the year artwork.



While taking your foot bath, visualize all stagnant energy in your body releasing through the soles of your feet into the water. You may want to take some time to acknowledge or observe/witness each one by name, do what you feel resonates best with your personal practice. When you feel it is time, remove your feet from the water, dry them, and as you dispose of the water, know that with it, it carries what you have released into the earth where it will be transformed. Thank the herbs and crystals for their support throughout, thank the water for carrying it, and the earth for receiving it. Please ensure that you drink at least one large glass of water after your bath to assist your body flush out. You may feel drawn to journal or document your experience, thoughts or observations in some way, or take some time to be still. Either way, please ensure that you leave at least an hour or two for integration and assimilation.The mineral rich fine earths used in this blend were hand gathered by us on our travels. We use only very fine crystal powders, which can be emptied along with your bathwater with no risk of clogging your pipes. The nice side of this is that the crystals then travel elsewhere and continue their healing there! :-)

Eclipse Foot Salt Soak (Ritual Purification Blend)

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  • Please note that our products are not a substitute for any medical treatment or advice you may currently be receiving. The information presented is intended for informational, research, and energetic purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. Persons with health related issues should consult a medical professional for assistance.

    Topical ritual products are not intended for consumption and as with all natural products, a skin 'patch test’ is recommended beforehand to see if you have any unique sensitivities. Discontinue use if a rash occurs. Our topical ritual products should not be applied to broken skin, sensitive skin, or mucus membranes. Please ensure you wash your hands thoroughly after applying to the skin.

    This listing is for one portion of the aforementioned product only and does not include any other decorative items photographed. These photographs are for illustrative purposes only.

    All titles, concept, description, text, and images © 2020 Niamh Criostail, Stone Mad & The heART of Ritual. All rights reserved.

    #theheARTofritual #stonemad #LOVE


Our Winter season shop opening takes place from
9am on October 13th until 6pm on November 1st

 All times are Irish time. Orders ship from November 11th onwards and are fulfilled on a first come first served basis.
'Made to order' offerings ship from November 18th onwards unless otherwise stated.

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Seasonal Overview

Season • Winter

Element • Earth

Direction • North

Archetype • Elder Archetype

Themes & Focus for this Collection

Our upcoming seasonal shop opening coincides with the Celtic Festival of Samhain and takes place within the liminal space between the last new moon of the Celtic year in October, astronomical Samhain, and the first new moon of the Celtic New Year in November. It is during this time that the death of the old (year) and the birth of the new (year) occurs. With this we enter the dreamtime cycle of moons; a time honouring the birth that takes place during and after the darkest times. It is a potent time of observing blood, bones, ancestors, (re)connection, introspection, and 'getting to know the lay of the land'...within. Many refer to this time as a 'thinning of the veils', however those of us whose ears are finely tuned, we know that the 'veil' is always thin.

Winter/Earth references throughout this ephemeral collection include;

Focus for the Winter collection is the element of Earth, Illuminating the Dark, Chakras of the Root, Knees/Elbows, Feet/Hands and Earth Star, Physical WellBEing, the Musculoskeletal System, the Digestive System & Intestinal Health, Death, Grief Processing & Trauma Composting, Vulnerability & Surrender, The Pilgrim & the Inner Journey, Protection, Connection & Roots, Hibernation, Cultivating Sanctuary & Stillness, the Hearth, Conscious Nourishment & Nurturance, Radical BEing, and of course, Earth Rituals for the Head, Heart and Hands.

Full insights into the season, it's energies, themes, and virtues are shared in depth in our newsletter. This gifts invaluable knowledge on the sacred framework of the season, and details the creative insights that inspired and shaped the offerings. To read more about our collection, receive exclusive early access, and a members only preview of these ephemeral offerings, sign up for ou